Hock Chye

Hock Chye

Age: 75 Years

Length of Treatment: 10 Years

Country: Malaysia

“When the toxins in my blood reduced, my appetite started to improve, and I started to generally feel better.”

Hock Chye’s Story


It all started when I noticed bubbles in my urine. It seemed unusual so I consulted my doctor about it. A urine and blood test were performed, after which I was informed that my kidneys are leaking protein and that I have only 30% of my kidney function left. I was devastated, because my doctor said that CKD is irreversible and will get worse over time. He said, if I live long enough, I might require dialysis one day…



As advised by my doctor, diet and lifestyle changes are very important. I need to stay physically active, reduce salt and protein intake. After 6 –12 months I was starting to see benefits from adapting to the supplemented low protein diet: my appetite started to improve, and I started to feel better in general. And I became happier as I was seeing those positive developments in myself.


I can still do my daily routines like travelling and exercising. All I have to do is to take my prescribed medicine and be careful with my diet such as water, salt, and proteins.



Diet modification is challenging especially cutting down on protein intake. With the help of a dietitian, this can be achieved.


My Advice, Yearly health check is very important. To all CKD patients: please treat it early. Seek for Nephrologist advice, adhere to the treatments and change your lifestyle.
guy on piano
Hock Chye