Self-check Tools
In this area you can find some useful tools to help you manage CKD.
CKD Risk Assessment
Take this short test to know your kidney score: find out if you might already have silent chronic kidney disease.
Calculator for the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
The GFR describes how many millilitres of blood the tiny filters (glomeruli) in your kidneys can filter within one minute.
If the glomeruli are not filtering enough blood to keep the body in a healthy state, the kidneys have an impaired or reduced function.
Stages of chronic kidney disease on the basis of GFR
Defined by the level of GFR, there are 5 stages of chronic kidney disease (according to NKF-KDOQI Guidelines [1]). Stage 1 is the earliest, while Stage 5 represents kidney failure or end-stage renal disease (ESRD), respectively.
Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator
An important indicator for your general health and easy to calculate.