

Age: 72 Years

Length of Treatment: 1 Year

Country: Ecuador

“The fact is that this diet has allowed me to delay dialysis.”

Claudio’s Story


6 years ago, in an executive check-up my doctor indicated that I should take care of my blood values, mainly creatinine. Then 4 years ago, creatinine rose, and they recommended that I go to a nephrologist. Then more than one year ago another nephrologist finally diagnosed CKD and recommended supplemented reduced protein diet. 



Years ago, I used to eat a lot of sweets, goodies, and fat. I didn’t eat breakfast and occasionally ate at night. The nephrologist prohibited several foods including salt. I began to eat the food without salt and lost 26 pounds. Only later after visiting several doctors and nutritionists, I learned how to eat well and to lose my fear of dialysis.


I have the strength to carry out my activities as a musician, I continue with my music all day. In the afternoon I plan music rehearsals, musical arrangements for the orchestra and the choir. When I rehearse, I am grateful for my work because it is exciting. I have my audience that supports me, they care for me very well.



The help of my “angel” – my nutritionist – and my wife have been fundamental. She has dedicated her time for me to get well. We have been married for 47 years and she still loves me. Why did I name my nutritionist first? Because she gave me the light and hope. I came to her for a pill, but she gave me life.

Clauidos Advice - First, NO panic! Secondly: The doctors have the treatment, but we, the patients, must be methodical in everything, including the diet, mainly to delay dialysis.